
书名: 最后防线:金融危机与紧急救市的未来(小波斯纳力作 重述金融危机 法经济学必读)

作者: 埃里克·波斯纳

格式: EPUB


路径: 点击打开

排序作者: 埃里克·波斯纳

排序书名: 最后防线:金融危机与紧急救市的未来(小波斯纳力作 重述金融危机 法经济学必读)

日期: 08 3月 2023

uuid: c0aefb0b-e408-474b-9625-79dc6557fab5

id: 762

出版日期: 4月 2021

修改日期: 08 3月 2023

大小: 1.46MB

语言: 中文






“The Last Line of Defense: The New Fight for American Liberty” by Eric Posner is a thought-provoking and insightful book that explores the challenges facing America in the post-9/11 world. In this book, Posner argues that the United States is facing a new kind of threat that requires a new approach to protecting our freedoms. He contends that traditional civil liberties must be re-evaluated in light of the terrorist threat and that we need to strike a balance between security and individual rights.

Posner, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, draws upon his expertise in constitutional law and political science to provide a compelling analysis of the issues at stake. He examines such topics as the war on terror, surveillance and privacy, and torture, and offers thoughtful insights into how we can best protect our rights while also ensuring our safety.

Overall, “The Last Line of Defense” is an important book that raises essential questions about the nature of freedom and security in our modern world. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the challenges facing America today.
